Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My First Time

So, how's it going? I've entered the blogosphere, myself. It seems quite pointless right now but perhaps I'll get the gist of it soon. I named the blog, What's Up, Rev? because I am a fan of Bugs Bunny from way back. He was my very favorite cartoon character when I was a child. Smart, funny and always on his way to Pismo Beach or some other destination point west. That's probably why I wound up in San Diego! I was following my inner Bugs.
It truly is a strange journey we are all on, isn't it? Regardless of where you are in life now, do you occasionally look back over your life and think about the twists and turns, the side roads and the curvy paths that you took along your way? I know it's just a mental exercise but sometimes I think about the long, strange trip it's been up to now and I wonder, a)how the hell did I get here? and b)what's next?
Sure, I make plans, we all make plans, and in the words of that guy on the TV, "So, how's that working out for you?" I make plans, I have goals, I set intentions and life keeps unfolding around me. Next step on the path, next step on the path. I'm just not in any hurry.
There are different kinds of people in the world, thank God, and I'm one of those "long runway" kind of people. A dear friend from many years ago coined that descriptive phrase about me, and I do resonate with it. I take as much time as I want, to meditate, think about, weigh, contrast, compare, and generally muddle over things before I decide to go one way or another. Then, I take off. Takes all kinds, doesn't it?


  1. Welcome to the glorious world of online journaling! I am already a fan!

  2. long runway, huh? more romantic than muller, which is how i describe myself, and that sounds like how you describe yourself! no wonder we get along so well. how are you my friend? i miss you. love, you, too, mucho!
