Friday, January 20, 2012

A New Vision

What's the intention for 2012 and what have we done to begin to realize it? We start the new year with tremendous intentions - I'm going to be in a body building contest by the end of the year - I'm going to weigh 50 pounds less by summer. How about - I'm going to Europe by spring - I'm going to make $10,000 a month by September. All of these things are intentions, serous intentions, but what do we do to make those things happen?

How do we keep up the enthusiasm, the positive attitude? Why do we fall away from these great intentions and wind up being yet another gym membership casualty? I think that we make big plans, huge intentions, and we don't have a reasonable expectation of success. I think we hope and wish but lack a concrete plan for getting from here to there and when we don't "magically" manifest our intention, we give up and revert to pattern behavior. We don't think of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of little baby steps it takes to reach the destination of our dreams.

Hold the intention - keep the goal in mind - don't jettison the worthy intention because it does not manifest overnight. Keep taking the baby steps, do one more thing today that we didn't do yesterday. Acknowlegde our progress. Write one page a day of that great American novel. Paint on that masterpiece for one hour a day. Save $3.50 a day, the price of a trendy cup of coffee, toward that trip to Europe. Make baby steps in the direction of the goal. Little by little, step by step, day after day, and then we realize in one month, six months, one year, how much closer we are to manifesting our goals. Then we must acknowledge how far we have come, not how much more we have to go.
Most of us manifest the big vision, not overnight, but by one baby step at a time.

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